On May 20th, the club had an outing to The Goatery at Kiawah River to see & shoot the new babies. It was a lovely, sunny day – although not perfect for shooting! We all had a blast & were surprised by one of the goat mothers delivering 2 new babies while we were there. As you can see, there are all kinds of animals at the farm, most of them happy to pose for us.
The Goatery is open to visitors & is very close to Kiawah – just down the road to Kiawah River. BUT – they do ask you to make a reservation before heading over there.
Check out their website at The Goatery at Kiawah River – Goat Farm, Goat Cheese, Cheese
Ann Gridley 20230420 RG 8083 Becky Krantz IMG 0742 Becky Krantz IMG 0758 Becky Krantz IMG 0766 Becky Krantz IMG 0830 Becky Krantz IMG 0904 Jeri Mearns Baby Goats 0663 Kimball Kraus 1 Kimball Kraus 10 Kimball Kraus 11 Kimball Kraus 2 Kimball Kraus 3 Kimball Kraus 4 Kimball Kraus 5 Kimball Kraus 6 Kimball Kraus 7 Kimball Kraus 8 Kimball Kraus 9 Linda Albus DSCF7975 Edit Pam Cohen DSC1766 Pam Cohen DSC1804 Pam Cohen DSC1866 Pam Cohen DSC5294 Pam Cohen DSC5424 – Kimball & Trayce Pam Cohen DSC5429 Pam Cohen DSC5454 Jeri Mearns The Goatery 6324 Jeri Mearns The Goatery – Susan & Ann Tina Schell Chicken and eggs Tina Schell Goatery 1 Tina Schell Goatery 2 Tina Schell Goatery 3 Trayce Fenton DSCF7762 Trayce Fenton Trayce Fenton DSCF7803 Trayce Fenton Trayce Fenton DSCF7941 Trayce Fenton Trayce Fenton DSCF8021 Trayce Fenton Trayce Fenton DSCF8167 Trayce Fenton Trayce Fenton IMG 7757 Trayce Fenton