Monthly/Annual Meeting @ Sandcastle

Hi all,

A big thank you to everyone who attended this morning’s meeting & luncheon.

The day got started with a bit of socializing. Kimball got us started by reviewing the past year and thanking everyone for their contributions to the club: Kimberly & Sue & Jack, Tina & Pam & Linda, Dick, Morris & Gordon. Everyone who contributed to the Firehouse project & those who helped her with the details of collecting the images & money, getting the photos printed & hung and hosting the open house at Fire Station 4 on April 29th.  

She then did the official “election” asking for a show of hands for the new board, which was enthusiastically approved. So – “Jeri – tag, you’re it!”

I then presented Kimball with a small token gift from the club thanking her for her tenure as president & her focus & attention to getting the Firehouse project done so magnificently. Her gift – a Firetruck, of course! (Sorry, I don’t think anyone took a picture but here it is on Amazon.)

Kimball Fire Truck 1
Kimball Fire Truck

We then moved on to 2 videos – one of the Firehouse open house, then the Monthly Challenge “LOVELY LANDSCAPES” – Thank you Tina for putting them together & Jack for showing them from his laptop.

Firehouse Project video

Challenge “LOVELY LANDSCAPES” video

Ed Marks, Susan Calkins, Glen Thompson & Bill Davis then talked to us about getting the shots they submitted to the Firehouse project. The printed & framed canvases were brought to the meeting to show members who had not attended the open house the quality of the printing & framing. These 4 members gave detailed information about shooting the images & post-processing them. A great learning experience that we’ll try to do again.

After all that – on to lunch! Small sandwiches, salads, fruit, chips, cookies & brownies, chocolate dipped strawberries! And mimosas.

A festive end to a great season. We all enjoyed being together in person, and look forward to more of this type of get-together next year.

Hope everyone has a great summer. See you in the fall.

KIPC Board 2023-2024 season

Jeri Mearns, President

Joe Hitselberger, VP

Dick Clapp, Treasurer

Kathy Keane, Secretary


Coming Up Next . .

February 2025

Monday 24: 10:00 am KelbyONE Favorites: Panel. Share Tips/Equipment @ The Sandcastle

March 2025

Monday 10: 10:00 am Pam Cohen: Making Something out of Nothing @ The Sandcastle
Monday 17: 10:00 am Speaker & Challenge Video: MacDUFF EVERTON @ Zoom