KIPC/John Sanders Scholarship Fund

"everything we do bears your influence"

February 24, 2021 update:


With heartfelt sympathy, we say goodbye to John Sanders. He was the inspiration for the Photo Club’s beginnings.


 John passed away on Feb 24, 2021, after a long illness. He passed peacefully at home, here in Kiawah with his devoted wife Aileen and family. John leaves a lifelong legacy and will be greatly missed. 


In John’s honor, the family requests donations go to the designated Kiawah Island Photo Club (KIPC)/John Sanders Scholarship.


This is a designated scholarship with Trident Technical College’s Photography Program. Please use the Designation (not the Tribute Gift) section, click the dropdown box for “Other” and note the KIPC/John Sanders Scholarship to direct your gift appropriately.

How to Donate:

Contributions are welcomed and can be made directly through Trident’s Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, at their website.

Please use the Designation (not the Tribute Gift) section, click the dropdown box for ‘Other’ and note the KIPC/John Sanders Scholarship to direct your gift appropriately.


To donate by check:


Checks payable to TTC Foundation, note KIPC/Sanders scholarship on the memo line.


Mail to:

P.O. Box 61227
Charleston, SC 29419-1227

 Scholarship Creation:  

On March 20, 2020, The Kiawa­­h Island Photography Club (KIPC) honored club founder John Sanders through a scholarship with Charleston’s Trident Technical College. To celebrate John’s leadership, vision, and commitment to generously share knowledge, this scholarship extends his spirit and KIPC’s charitable outreach goals to support students pursuing a career in photography. This is Trident’s only scholarship dedicated to the Photography program.


Scholarship News:

In March 2020 the first scholarship was awarded to Darryl Scott, an employee on our Kiawah Island. In expressing his appreciation for this gift, he said “I want to let you know I have had doubts lately about school, and seeing that you have enough faith in me to award me with this scholarship drives me to finish school and get my degree to pursue my photography business.” (See the letter from Mr. Scott.)

Thanks to additional donations from club members, a second scholarship has been awarded to Larry Dennis. Larry is an aspiring photographer in Charleston who is currently an intern for a local professional, with the goal to have his own business. (See letters from Larry and Keith Rumrill, Trident’s Director of Development.  

In December 2020, KIPC’s board elected to fulfill the remaining four years of the five-year monetary obligation to the Scholarship Fund. In addition, several members have generously contributed as well to honor John.



 In 2005, John Sander’s interest in photography led to the creation of the Kiawah Island Photography Club (KIPC). A few others helped pave that path, and are still doing so today, among them are Sylvia Bacon, Sue Corcoran, and Howard Snelling. Since then, the club has transformed from meeting once a month to meeting every Monday, October through May, and now has over 100 members. John was Club President in 2008-2009. He was very active over the years organizing workshop presentations, was an instructor, and created the much loved Our World slideshows. The first slideshow, in 2010, was “Around the World in 60 Minutes.” He used his own photos in that project. A couple of years later over forty members contributed to another memorable Our World show, “See the USA.” Along the way, KIPC has gained respect and has drawn internationally known photographers such as Alan Ross (Ansel Adam’s assistant), Ralph Lee Hopkins (Lindblad and National Geographic), Drew Doggett (recent winner of two prestigious awards), and Denise Ippolito, to name a few. With KIPC’s now 15-year history, some members have been inspired to excel in their abilities. For example, Pam Cohen’s work was represented by several galleries in Charleston and currently by the Well Gallery in the Sanctuary Hotel and in Ohio. Other members have also gone on to win contests, exhibit in juried shows, and sell their images. In addition, many have thoroughly enjoyed taking dramatically better pictures and making books and slideshows. John had no idea how far his idea of starting a photography club would come!

Trident Technical College:

Trident is a public community college in North Charleston with about 12,000 students. The school offers an Associate Degree and Certificate Programs in Photography. Last fall, they had 44 students in the program with an average class costing about $560. This scholarship, the only one dedicated to the Trident photography program, has the following eligibility criteria: the student must be pursuing a photography path, demonstrate financial need, take at least six credit hours per semester with a GPA of 2.0 or better, and be a current or returning student. Preference is given to a Johns Island resident. Trident’s program prepares students for careers in professional photography focusing on the following: events, portraits, product and food, studio work, and production of images for magazines, ad agencies, or stock photo houses.


 Donate Camera Equipment:

Trident is in need of cameras and equipment. To make a donation, contact Tamala LeighfieldDonations are especially appreciated during this unprecedented time. Let’s follow John’s leadership in sharing and help support students’ visions for a career in photography.



If you have any questions, please contact Kimberly Wissel or call at 513-289-3830.


Coming Up Next . .

February 2025

Monday 24: 10:00 am KelbyONE Favorites: Panel. Share Tips/Equipment @ The Sandcastle

March 2025

Monday 10: 10:00 am Pam Cohen: Making Something out of Nothing @ The Sandcastle
Monday 17: 10:00 am Speaker & Challenge Video: MacDUFF EVERTON @ Zoom